


投稿者: 気が早い母   (ID:cM5bt5wGTWo) 投稿日時:2006年 01月 07日 18:55









現在のページ: 2 / 4

  1. 【1524469】 投稿者: ?  (ID:sXwjWcxXqpo) 投稿日時:2009年 11月 30日 08:53


  2. 【1526990】 投稿者: From USA  (ID:5BROjL.VjMk) 投稿日時:2009年 12月 02日 01:12

    ご迷惑、すみません。ふざけてるじゃなくて、本当です。 I can read a lot of Japanese but am still unable to construct coherent and correct sentences. I appologise for the confusion. If English bothers you, I will not post any questions any more. However, it is quite unfortunate that language became such a barrier that caused misunderstanding and hostility from paranoid readers.
    Well, my experience of this cross-cultural mishaps has certainly being a disappointing one. Good luch with your quest in the cyber world.

  3. 【1527043】 投稿者: I'm an 英語の先生.  (ID:JFQ459KRhVM) 投稿日時:2009年 12月 02日 04:32

    I'm an 英語の先生.

    So many errors!

    appologise -> apologize

    (By the way, -ise is British English.)

    I will not post any questions any more -> I will not post any more questions

    You shouldn't be so rude as to use the word "paranoid."

    mishaps has certainly being a disappointing one
    -> I cannot understand this sentence. You've made a grammatical and spelling mistake.


  4. 【1527725】 投稿者: From USA  (ID:o0mp6vhXwKI) 投稿日時:2009年 12月 02日 16:58

    Appologise is a commonly used spelling in the United States. It sure would not make any sense to someone who has never been abroad. Now, vacation doesn't count.
    "Paranoid" is not rude when used to the right person.
    If your are implying that your Japanese English is better than a native speaker from the states then you have really gone insane.
    By the way, if you really are what you claim to be, an English teacher, why are you so hostile? I thought the beauty of being able to use a foreign language is to learn tolerance and otherness. Appearantly, you have none. English is such a waste to be used by unappreciative people. You are what we called "a red neck ". Truce?

  5. 【1527738】 投稿者: From USA  (ID:o0mp6vhXwKI) 投稿日時:2009年 12月 02日 17:09


    mishap definition
    mis·hap (mis′hap′)


    an unlucky or unfortunate accident
    Now Rare bad luck; misfortune

    I was typing in haste so I made careless mistakes. But I have never anticipated to be attacted by cyber junkies. How unfortunate. If you are really an English teacher, I feel sorry for your students. You will not be able to foster kind and logical students. Thank God that you do not represent all Japanese.

  6. 【1528343】 投稿者: Native speaker ではないでしょ。  (ID:jffSboZtW/s) 投稿日時:2009年 12月 03日 02:32

    Native speakers だって間違えるけれど、それとは違う間違えかただよね。What we called "a red neck" なんていう時制の間違いはふつうしない。What we call "a red neck" は絶対に間違えないでしょうう。そもそも red neck っていうのは poor white への蔑称だよ。日本人に red neck っていったって red じゃないよねえ。

    Apprarently を Appearantly と間違えることは native speakers にないとはいえないけれど、相当教育程度が低い人しか間違えないだろう。

    tolerance and otherness は tolerance of others と書きたかったのだろうが、これもかなりひどい。

    I have never anticipated to be attacted by は、attract の綴り間違いはたしかにあるけれど、ここでは anticipated to attract としないと意味が通じない。こういう間違いも native speakers は決してしない。

    vacation doesn't count ってのも高校生ぐらいまでだったら native speakers でもないとは言い切れないが、まあないだろうねえ。


    my experience of this cross-cultural mishaps has certainly being a disappointing one. は正しく書くと

    my experience of this cross-cultural mishap has certainly been a disappointment.

    です。これもちょっと native speakers では考えられない間違い。単複の感覚(this . . .mishaps ではなく this . . . mishap)とか、時制とか、これは native speakers には当たり前のことすぎる。

    mishap の使い方とか、English is such a waste to のようなくだけた英語の言い回しも出てくるから、たぶんそれなりにアメリカ生活は長いんだろうし、日本語もあまりできないというのも本当だろうが、私たちと同じアジア系の人が書いているような英語だね。

  7. 【1528344】 投稿者: 言うの忘れた。  (ID:jffSboZtW/s) 投稿日時:2009年 12月 03日 02:37

    anticipate to do という言い方もしないよ。I have never anticipated attracting . . . だったらまあある。

  8. 【1528528】 投稿者: From USA  (ID:o0mp6vhXwKI) 投稿日時:2009年 12月 03日 09:06

    Thank you for correcting my mistakes. Please be patient and hear me out.
    1. “Red neck is now used as slang for someone who is ignorant and prejudice. I should not have used that word. It was uncalled for. However, people do strange things when raged.
    2. “相当教育程度が低い人しか間違えないだろう。” Yes. After obtaining my BA, I taught at a kindergarten for the past 22 years. Singing ABCs every day does not enhance my mother tongue. Perhaps it’s time for a career change. (That's a joke. I love my job!)
    3. Apprarently を Appearantly. = Spelling
    Mishap and mishaps = Singular and plural
    4. Otherness
    The quality or condition of being other or different, especially if exotic or strange
    It’s actually used a lot in recent literature on Globalization.

    I wish. If I were, I would be able to blend in better.
    I started writing to this forum for my children, 2 boys, one still in elementary school. It really should not matter the language used. I expected to communicate with knowledgeable 先輩Parents. I was hoping to receive genuine and sincere responses. I never imagined it would turn out to be a cyber war. The original purpose of this forum was for information exchange, right? You have turned it into a war. Is that what you always do in life? You just have to prove something? Have you ever opened your heart to just BE KIND?
    Oh! Time to go for my classes with my little bunnies~ They are so sweet and innocent. I will make sure they do not grow up to be bitter adults.
    Good luck with your journey.




